Specialty School Nurse
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} School Refusal: Considerations for the Primary Care NP
Price: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: NP0924BPublished: Sep 2024Expires: 9/5/2025DetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)Categories: Advanced Practice Nursing , Evidence Based Practice , Pediatrics , Psychosocial/PsychiatricSpecialties: Advanced Practice Nursing, Evidence-based practice, Family Practice, Psychiatric and Mental Health, School NurseTopics: School Refusal , TruancyMedia: -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Association Between Sports Team Participation and Sunburn Among U.S. High School Students, National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2021
Price: $20.00Credits:
- ANCC 1.5 CH
- DC - BON 1.5 CH
- FL - BON 1.5 CH
- GA - BON 1.5 CH
- NM - BON 1.5 CH
- SC - BON 1.5 CH
- WV - BOERN 1.5 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: JDNA0924BPublished: Sep/Oct 2024Expires: 9/4/2026DetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)Specialties: Advanced Practice Nursing, Community Health, Dermatology, Family Practice, Pediatrics, Primary Care, Public Health, School NurseMedia: -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} The Resurgence of Measles: A Rash From the Past
Price: $24.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.5 CH / 1.0 APH
- DC - BON 2.5 CH
- FL - BON 2.5 CH
- GA - BON 2.5 CH
- NM - BON 2.5 CH
- SC - BON 2.5 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.5 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: AENJ0724APublished: Jul/Sep 2024Expires: 6/5/2026Sources: Advanced Emergency Nursing JournalDetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)Categories: Acute Care , Advanced Pharmacology Hours , Dermatologic Conditions , Emergency care , Infection , Infection Control , VirologySpecialties: Acute Care, Advanced Practice Nursing, Ambulatory Care, Emergency, Infection Control, Infectious Diseases, Medical-Surgical, Pediatrics, Primary Care, Public Health, School NurseMedia: -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Collection
Price: $38.95Credits:
- ANCC 5.0 CH
- DC - BON 5.0 CH
- FL - BON 5.0 CH
- GA - BON 5.0 CH
- NM - BON 5.0 CH
- SC - BON 5.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 5.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: AJN0124BOPublished: January 2024Expires: 3/6/2026Sources: AJN, American Journal of NursingDetailsRequired Passing Score: 27/33 (81%)Categories: Cultural Competence , Ethical , Health Policy and Reform , Professional Development , Professional IssuesSpecialties: Acute Care, Addiction, Administration, Advanced Practice Nursing, Ambulatory Care, Anesthesiology, Burns, Cardiology, Case Management, Community Health, Continence, Critical Care, Dermatology, Diabetes, Dialysis, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Education, Emergency, Endocrinology, Faith Community Nursing, Family Practice, Flight, Forensic Nursing, Gastroenterology, Genetics, Gerontology, Gynecology, HIV or AIDS Care, Holistic, Home Health, Hospice and Palliative Care, Immunology/Allergy, Infection Control, Informatics, Infusion, Interventional Cardiology, Interventional Radiology, Legal, Long-Term Care, Management, Maternal-Child, Medical-Surgical, Midwifery, Military, Neonatal, Nephrology, Neurology, Nurse Executive, Nurse Executive Advanced, Nutrition, OB/GYN, Obstetrics, Occupational Health, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Ostomy, Pain Management, Pediatrics, Perinatal, Perioperative, Physical Therapy, Plastic Surgery, Post Acute Care, Primary Care, Private Duty, Professional Development, Psychiatric and Mental Health, Public Health, Pulmonary, Quality Improvement, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Research, Rheumatology, Risk Management, School Nurse, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), Staff Development, Surgery, Transplantation, Trauma, Travel, Urology, Women's Health, WoundTopics: Abelism , Bias , Code-Switching , DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) , Discrimination , Diversity , Health Care Disparities , Health Equity , Racism , Skin , Social Determinants of Health , Structural RacismMedia: -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Protecting Children's Health: Asthma and Climate Change
Price: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: MCN0723BPublished: Jul/Aug 2023Expires: 6/5/2026DetailsRequired Passing Score: 7/10 (70%) -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Describing the Challenges for School Nurses Managing Students With Chronic Pain
Price: $49.00Credits:
- ANCC 2.5 CH
- DC - BON 2.5 CH
- FL - BON 2.5 CH
- GA - BON 2.5 CH
- NM - BON 2.5 CH
- SC - BON 2.5 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.5 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: TPM0723Published: Jul 2023Expires: 6/5/2026DetailsRequired Passing Score: 7/10 (70%) -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Human Trafficking
Price: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: FLBN1122Published: November 2022Expires: 9/9/2025DetailsRequired Passing Score: 1/1 (100%)Specialties: Acute Care, Advanced Practice Nursing, Ambulatory Care, Cardiology, Case Management, Community Health, Dialysis, Education, Emergency, Family Practice, Forensic Nursing, Holistic, Home Health, Maternal-Child, Medical-Surgical, Occupational Health, Orthopaedics, Pediatrics, Primary Care, Private Duty, Professional Development, Psychiatric and Mental Health, Public Health, School Nurse, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), Trauma, Women's HealthTopics: Florida , TraffickingMedia: -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Child Sexual Abuse and Suicide: Essentials for the Forensic Nurse
Price: $24.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: JFN1022Published: Oct/Dec 2022Expires: 12/5/2025Sources: Journal of Forensic NursingDetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%) -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Weight Stigma in Children and Adolescents: Recommendations for Practice and Policy
Price: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: N0622BPublished: Jun 2022Expires: 6/6/2025Sources: Nursing 2025DetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)Collections: CESaverCategories: Pediatrics , Psychosocial/Psychiatric -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Measles: Moving Toward Eradication
Price: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH / 1.0 APH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: NP0522BPublished: May 2022Expires: 3/7/2025DetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)Categories: Acute Care , Advanced Pharmacology Hours , Advanced Practice Nursing , Infection , Pediatrics , Practice GuidelinesSpecialties: Acute Care, Advanced Practice Nursing, Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, Public Health, School NurseTopics: Children , Infection , Infection Control , Measles , Prevention , Vaccinations , Vaccine Hesitency