{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} An Implementation Framework for the Clinically Indicated Removal Policy for Peripheral Intravenous Catheters
Activity Steps
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Learning Objectives
After completing this continuing education activity you will be able to:
- Summarize current evidence regarding clinically indicated PIVC replacement and discern barriers to the implementation of this evidence-based practice.
- Outline the utilization of a CFIR framework for the implementation of clinically indicated PIVC removal.
Authors Marie Cooke, Michelle DeVries, Vineet Chopra, Claire M. Rickard, Evan Alexandrou, and Tricia M. Leidon, noted grant monies received either by them or by their employers. LPD?s conflict of interest process revealed no conflicts of interest. Author Mari Takashima had no potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.
- ANCC 1.5 CH
- DC - BON 1.5 CH
- FL - BON 1.5 CH
- GA - BON 1.5 CH
Lippincott Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. This activity is also provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 11749. Lippincott Professional Development is also an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the District of Columbia Board of Nursing, Florida Board of Nursing, and Georgia Board of Nursing, #50-1223.
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Test Code: JNCQ0421
Published: Apr/Jun 2021
Expires: 3/7/2025
Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Required Passing Score: 15/19 (78%)
Quality Improvement
Quality Improvement