Topic Pandemic
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} The Impact of the Pandemic on Leaders: A Pathway to Healing and Self-care
Price: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: NM0124Published: Jan 2024Expires: 3/6/2026Sources: Nursing ManagementDetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)Categories: Management , Professional Development , Professional Issues , Psychosocial/Psychiatric , TraumaSpecialties: Management, Nurse Executive, Professional Development, Psychiatric and Mental Health, TraumaMedia: -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Pandemic Impact on the Preceptor/New Nurse Dyad
Price: $17.95Credits:
- ANCC 1.5 CH
- DC - BON 1.5 CH
- FL - BON 1.5 CH
- GA - BON 1.5 CH
- NM - BON 1.5 CH
- SC - BON 1.5 CH
- WV - BOERN 1.5 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: JNPD0923Published: Sep/Oct 2023Expires: 9/5/2025DetailsRequired Passing Score: 7/10 (70%)Specialties: Education, Professional Development -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Challenges, Job Satisfiers, and Self-Care among Perinatal Nurses in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Price: $24.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.5 CH
- DC - BON 2.5 CH
- FL - BON 2.5 CH
- NM - BON 2.5 CH
- SC - BON 2.5 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.5 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: MCN0523BPublished: May/Jun 2023Expires: 3/6/2026DetailsRequired Passing Score: 7/10 (70%)Categories: Hospital , Neonatal , Obstetrics , Perinatal , Professional Issues , Psychosocial/Psychiatric -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Faith Community Nursing and COVID-19: Creative and Inspired Practice
Price: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: CNJ0423BPublished: Apr/Jun 2023Expires: 3/6/2026Sources: Journal of Christian NursingDetailsRequired Passing Score: 7/10 (70%)Categories: Faith Community Nursing , Professional Issues -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} CRNI® Recertification Units & CE Credit - Infusion Topics: Ocrevus Rapid Infusion Protocol; Pandemic Nurses' Perceptions; Adverse Effects of Hypodermoclysis
Price: $200.00Credits:
- ANCC 6.5 CH
- INCC 10.0 CRNI
- DC - BON 6.5 CH
- FL - BON 6.5 CH
- GA - BON 6.5 CH
- NM - BON 6.5 CH
- SC - BON 6.5 CH
- WV - BOERN 6.5 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: JINNR0323Published: March 2023; Vol 46, No 2Expires: 12/5/2025Sources: Journal of Infusion NursingDetailsRequired Passing Score: 21/30 (70%)Categories: Acute Care , Drug Therapy , Hospital , Infusion Therapy , Preventing Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) , Quality Improvement , SafetyTopics: COVID-19 , Hypodermoclysis , Infusion , Intravenous Medication , Ocrelizumab , Pandemic , Patient Safety , Quality Assessment , Transfusion Reactions , Venipuncture -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} CE Credit - Infusion Topics: Ocrevus Rapid Infusion Protocol; Pandemic Nurses' Perceptions; Adverse Effects of Hypodermoclysis
Price: $55.25Credits:
- ANCC 6.5 CH
- DC - BON 6.5 CH
- FL - BON 6.5 CH
- GA - BON 6.5 CH
- NM - BON 6.5 CH
- SC - BON 6.5 CH
- WV - BOERN 6.5 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: JINNC0323Published: March 2023; Vol 46, No 2Expires: 12/5/2025Sources: Journal of Infusion NursingDetailsRequired Passing Score: 21/30 (70%)Categories: Acute Care , Drug Therapy , Hospital , Infusion Therapy , Medical-Surgical , Preventing Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) , Quality Improvement , SafetyTopics: COVID-19 , Hypodermoclysis , Infusion , Intravenous Medication , Ocrelizumab , Pandemic , Patient Safety , Quality Assessment , Transfusion Reactions , Venipuncture -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} COVID-19 Caregiving Strategies, Quality of Life, and Stress Among Faith Community Nurses and Faith Leaders in Appalachia
Price: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: CNJ0123BPublished: Jan/Mar 2023Expires: 12/5/2025Sources: Journal of Christian NursingDetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)Categories: Faith Community Nursing , Home Health Care , Practice Improvement , Psychosocial/PsychiatricTopics: Burnout , COVID-19 , Caregivers , Compassion Fatigue , Job satisfaction , Pandemic , Rural Communities , eHealth -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Monkeypox 2022: Another Global Outbreak
Price: $24.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.5 CH
- DC - BON 2.5 CH
- FL - BON 2.5 CH
- GA - BON 2.5 CH
- NM - BON 2.5 CH
- SC - BON 2.5 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.5 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: N1222BPublished: Dec 2022Expires: 9/5/2025Sources: Nursing2024DetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)Specialties: Acute Care, Ambulatory Care, Family Practice, Home Health, Infection Control, Infectious Diseases, Medical-Surgical, Primary CareTopics: Monkeypox (Mpox) , Pandemic -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Measuring Return on Investment for Professional Development Activities: Pandemic Impacts and Revised Known Cost of Outcomes
Price: $17.95Credits:
- ANCC 1.5 CH
- DC - BON 1.5 CH
- FL - BON 1.5 CH
- GA - BON 1.5 CH
- NM - BON 1.5 CH
- SC - BON 1.5 CH
- WV - BOERN 1.5 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: JNPD1122Published: Nov/Dec 2022Expires: 9/5/2025DetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%) -
{{ (moduleVm.actions && moduleVm.changeStatus) ? moduleVm.status : '' }} Nurse Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Nurse Leaders
Price: $21.95Credits:
- ANCC 2.0 CH
- DC - BON 2.0 CH
- FL - BON 2.0 CH
- GA - BON 2.0 CH
- NM - BON 2.0 CH
- SC - BON 2.0 CH
- WV - BOERN 2.0 CH
{{ evaluation.question.text }}{{choice.text}}{{evaluation.answerSet[0].text}}Test Code: NM0522Published: May 2022Expires: 3/7/2025Sources: Nursing ManagementDetailsRequired Passing Score: 8/10 (80%)